Star Wars: the force awakens directed by JJ Abrams

Producer/ production companies- Lucas films and bad robot
Director- JJ Abrams
Screen writer- JJ Abrams, Michael Amdt, Lawrence Kasdan
Actors- Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Harrison Ford, Adam
Driver, Domhnall Gleeson, Gwendoline Christie, Oscar Lsaac, Carrie Fisher, Mark
Hamill, Bill Hader, Andy Serkis, Kenny Baker, Anthony Daniels, Daniel Craig.
Budget- $306 million Gross
Location- It was filmed in Iceland, United Arab Emirates, England
and Ireland
Greenlight date- 30th October 2012
Screen shown on- 5,347 screens that it was shown on.
Critical reaction (rotten tomatoes and matacritic)- on
rotten tomatoes it says it is 93% so it
has a very high percent which is a good thing. And on matacritic it scored a 81%
which is again a good score.
Box office figures: worldwide, US, china- worldwide $2,058,662,22,
US $936,662,225, china $£860,000,000
Music (composer of score/ soundtrack)- John Williams (an American
composer, conductor and has a very good reputation for film music as he has
created some of the most well-known film music.)
Marketing (teaser trailers, trailers, posters, websites
etc)-it had mini adverts on the TV and full trailers on in cinema before films that are similar to the film and also on YouTube.
Tie in products- many products are made for the new film for example the Lego star wars, also lunch boxes and bottles.
SFX (special effects- technology used)- there are a lot of special effects used like CGI (computer generated image) sound effects where also used on things like cannons ray guns e.c.t, CGI was a big part of the film as it is mostly visual effects so without that the film would be completely different.
Any issues -George Lucas didn't wright or direct, not every scene was CGI, also the characters are too likable.
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